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Aten USB to serial adapter (RS232) Reference: UC232A-AT Agrandir l'image

Aten USB to serial adapter (RS232) Reference: UC232A-AT


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Aten USB to serial adapter (RS232) Reference: UC232A-AT

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23,46 € TTC

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Pieces pour serveur, notebook & imprimante>Cables>Autres cables>Cables serie:
Aten USB to serial adapter (RS232) Reference: UC232A-AT Support The RS232 Serial IF

Reference OEM: UC232A-A7, UC232A, UC-232A, 784510


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Aten USB to serial adapter (RS232) Reference: UC232A-AT

Aten USB to serial adapter (RS232) Reference: UC232A-AT

Aten USB to serial adapter (RS232) Reference: UC232A-AT